Regular Policies in Stochastic Optimal Control and Abstract Dynamic Programming
Notation Connection with Abstract DPMapping of a stationary policy μ: For any control function μ, with μ(x) ∈ U(x) forall x , and J ∈ E(X ) define the mapping Tμ : E(X ) 7→ E(X ) by(TμJ)(x) = E{g(x , μ(x),w) + αJ(f (x , μ(x),w))}, x ∈ XValue Iteration mapping: For any J ∈ E(X ) define the mapping T : E(X ) 7→ E(X )(TJ)(x) = infu∈U(x)E{g(x , u,w) + αJ(f (x , u,w))}, x ∈ XNote that Bellman’s equation is J = TJ and VI starting from J is T k J, k = 0, 1, . . .Abstract notation relating to regularityWe have(Tμ0 · · ·TμN−1 J)(x0) = E{αJ(xN) +N−1∑k=0α g(xk , μk (xk ),wk)} C is S-regular ifJπ(x) = lim supN→∞(Tμ0 · · ·TμN J)(x), ∀ (π, x) ∈ C, J ∈ S Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Regular Policies in Stochastic Optimal Control and Abstract Dynamic Programming12 / 33 Upper Bounding the Fixed Points of T J ′J∗C Ĵ ∈ S Limit Region Valid Start RegionFor p = 1: Jp(1) = Jp(2) = 1 For p = 0: Jp(1) = Jp(5) = 2For p = 1/2 (which is optimal): Jp(1) = 0, Jp(2) = 1, Jp(5) = 2Jμ(1) = b, Jμ′(1) = 0Optimal cost J∗(1) = min{b, 0} a 0 1 2 t b c u′, Cost 0 u, Cost bProb. p Prob. 1− p Stationary policy costs Prob. u Prob. 1− u Cost 1 Cost 1−√u J(1) = min{c, a + J(2)} J(2) = b + J(1)J∗ Jμ Jμ′ Jμ′′Jμ0 Jμ1 Jμ2 Jμ3 Jμ0f(x; θk) f(x; θk+1) xk F (xk) F (x) xk+1 F (xk+1) xk+2 x∗ = F (x∗) Fμk(x) Fμk+1(x)Improper policy μProper policy μ 1J ′J∗C Ĵ ∈ S Limit Region Valid Start RegionFor p = 1: Jp(1) = Jp(2) 1 For p = 0: Jp(1) = Jp(5) = 2For p = 1/2 (which is optimal): Jp(1) = 0, Jp(2) = 1, Jp(5) = 2Jμ(1) = b, Jμ′(1) = 0Optimal cost J∗(1) = min{b, 0} a 0 1 2 t b c u′, 0 u, Cost bProb. p Prob. 1− p Stationary policy costs Prob. u Prob. 1− u Cost 1 Cost 1−√u J(1) = min{c, a + J(2)} J(2) = b + J(1)J∗ Jμ Jμ′ Jμ′′Jμ0 Jμ1 Jμ2 Jμ3 Jμ0f(x; θk) f(x; θk+1 xk F ( ) F (x) xk+1 F (xk+1) xk+2 x∗ = F (x∗) Fμk Fμk+1(x)Improper policy μProper policy μ 1J ′J∗C Ĵ ∈ S Limit Region Valid Start RegionFor p = 1: Jp(1) = Jp(2) = For p = 0: Jp(1) = Jp(5) = 2For p = 1/2 (which is optimal): Jp( ) = 0, Jp( ) = 1, Jp(5) = 2Jμ(1) = b, Jμ′(1) = 0Optim l cost J∗(1) = min{b, 0} a 0 1 2 t b c u′, Cost 0 u, Cost bProb. p Prob. 1− p Stationary policy costs Prob. u Prob. 1− u Cost 1 Cost 1−√u J(1) = min{c, a + J(2)} J(2) = b + J(1)∗ Jμ ′′′Jμ0 Jμ1 Jμ2 Jμ3 Jμ0f(x; θk f(x; θk+1) xk F (xk) F (x) xk+1 F (xk+1) xk+2 x∗ = F (x∗) Fμk(x) Fμk+1(x)Improper policy μProper policy μ 1J ′J∗C Ĵ ∈ S Limit Region Valid Start RegionFor p = 1: Jp(1) = Jp(2) = 1 For p = 0: Jp(1) = Jp(5) = 2For p = 1/2 (which is optimal): Jp(1) = 0, Jp(2) = 1, Jp(5) = 2Jμ(1) = b, Jμ′(1) = 0Optimal cost J∗(1) = min{b, 0} a 0 1 2 t b c u′, Cost 0 u, Cost bProb. p Prob. 1− p Stationary policy costs Prob. u Prob. 1− u Cost 1 Cost 1−√u J(1) = min{c, a + J(2)} J(2) = b + J(1)J∗ Jμ Jμ′ Jμ′′Jμ0 Jμ1 Jμ2 Jμ3 Jμ0f(x; θk) f(x; θk+1) xk F (xk) F (x) xk+1 F (xk+1) xk+2 x∗ = F (x∗) Fμk(x) Fμk+1(x)Improper policy μProper policy μ 1J ′J∗C Ĵ ∈ S Limit Region Valid Start RegionFor p = 1: Jp(1) = Jp(2) = 1 For p = 0: Jp(1) = Jp(5) = 2For p = 1/2 (which is optimal): Jp(1) = 0, Jp(2) = 1, Jp(5) = 2Jμ(1) = b, Jμ′(1) = 0Optimal cost J∗(1) = min{b, 0} a 0 1 2 t b c u′, Cost 0 u, Cost bProb. p Prob. 1− p Stationary policy costs Prob. u Prob. 1− u Cost 1 Cost 1−√u J(1) = min{c, a + J(2)} J(2) = b + J(1)J∗ Jμ Jμ′ Jμ′′Jμ0 Jμ1 Jμ2 Jμ3 Jμ0f(x; θk) f(x; θk+1) xk F (xk) F (x) xk+1 F (xk+1) xk+2 x∗ = F (x∗) Fμk(x) Fμk+1(x)Improper policy μProper policy μ 1J J ′J∗C Ĵ ∈ S Limit Region Valid Start RegionFor p = 1: Jp(1) Jp(2) = 1 For p = 0: Jp(1) = Jp(5) = 2For p = 1/2 (which is optimal): Jp(1) = 0, Jp(2) = 1, Jp(5) = 2Jμ(1) = b, Jμ′(1) = 0Opti al cost J∗(1) = min{b, 0} a 0 1 2 t b c u′, Cost 0 u, Cost bProb. p Prob. 1− p S ationary policy co ts Prob. u Prob. 1 u Cost 1 Cost 1−√u J(1) = min{c, a + J(2)} J(2) = b + J(1)∗ Jμ Jμ′ Jμ′′Jμ0 Jμ1 Jμ2 Jμ3 Jμ0f(x; θk) f(x; θk+1) xk ) F (x) k+1 F (xk+1) xk+2 x∗ = F (x∗) Fμk(x) Fμk+1(x)Improper policy μProper policy μ 1Fixed Point of T VI Optimal Cost over C 1Fixed Point of T VI Optimal Cost over C 1Fixed Point of T VI Optimal Cost over C E(X) 1Fixed Point of T VI: T kJ Optimal Cost over C E(X) 1Let C be an S-Regular CollectionFor all fixed points J ′ of T , and all J ∈ E(X ) such that J ′ ≤ J ≤ Ĵ for some Ĵ ∈ S,J ′ ≤ lim infk→∞T k J ≤ lim supk→∞T k J ≤ JC If in addition J∗C is a fixed point of T (a common case), then ∗C is the largest fixedpoint Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Regular Policies in Stochastic Optimal Control and Abstract Dynamic Programming13 / 33 Characterizing VI Convergence J ′J∗C Ĵ ∈ S Limit Region Valid Start RegionFor p = 1: Jp(1) = Jp(2) = 1 For p = 0: Jp(1) = Jp(5) = 2For p = 1/2 (which is optimal): Jp(1) = 0, Jp(2) = 1, Jp(5) = 2Jμ(1) = b, Jμ′(1) = 0Optimal cost J∗(1) = min{b, 0} a 0 1 2 t b c u′, Cost 0 u, Cost bProb. p Prob. 1− p Stationary policy costs Prob. u Prob. 1− u Cost 1 Cost 1−√u J(1) = min{c, a + J(2)} J(2) = b + J(1)J∗ Jμ Jμ′ Jμ′′Jμ0 Jμ1 Jμ2 Jμ3 Jμ0f(x; θk) f(x; θk+1) xk F (xk) F (x) xk+1 F (xk+1) xk+2 x∗ = F (x∗) Fμk(x) Fμk+1(x)Improper policy μProper policy μ 1J ′J∗C Ĵ ∈ S Limit Region Valid Start RegionFor p = 1: Jp(1) = Jp(2) 1 For p = 0: Jp(1) = Jp(5) = 2For p = 1/2 (which is optimal): Jp(1) = 0, Jp(2) = 1, Jp(5) = 2Jμ(1) = b, Jμ′(1) = 0Optimal cost J∗(1) = min{b, 0} a 0 1 2 t b c u′, 0 u, Cost bProb. p Prob. 1− p Stationary policy costs Prob. u Prob. 1− u Cost 1 Cost 1−√u J(1) = min{c, a + J(2)} J(2) = b + J(1)J∗ Jμ Jμ′ Jμ′′Jμ0 Jμ1 Jμ2 Jμ3 Jμ0f(x; θk) f(x; θk+1 xk F ( ) F (x) xk+1 F (xk+1) xk+2 x∗ = F (x∗) Fμk Fμk+1(x)Improper policy μProper policy μ 1J ′J∗C Ĵ ∈ S Limit Region Valid Start RegionFor p = 1: Jp(1) = Jp(2) = For p = 0: Jp(1) = Jp(5) = 2For p = 1/2 (which is optimal): Jp( ) = 0, Jp( ) = 1, Jp(5) = 2Jμ(1) = b, Jμ′(1) = 0Optim l cost J∗(1) = min{b, 0} a 0 1 2 t b c u′, Cost 0 u, Cost bProb. p Prob. 1− p Stationary policy costs Prob. u Prob. 1− u Cost 1 Cost 1−√u J(1) = min{c, a + J(2)} J(2) = b + J(1)∗ Jμ ′′′Jμ0 Jμ1 Jμ2 Jμ3 Jμ0f(x; θk f(x; θk+1) xk F (xk) F (x) xk+1 F (xk+1) xk+2 x∗ = F (x∗) Fμk(x) Fμk+1(x)Improper policy μProper policy μ 1J ′J∗C Ĵ ∈ S Limit Region Valid Start RegionFor p = 1: Jp(1) = Jp(2) = 1 For p = 0: Jp(1) = Jp(5) = 2For p = 1/2 (which is optimal): Jp(1) = 0, Jp(2) = 1, Jp(5) = 2Jμ(1) = b, Jμ′(1) = 0Optimal cost J∗(1) = min{b, 0} a 0 1 2 t b c u′, Cost 0 u, Cost bProb. p Prob. 1− p Stationary policy costs Prob. u Prob. 1− u Cost 1 Cost 1−√u J(1) = min{c, a + J(2)} J(2) = b + J(1)J∗ Jμ Jμ′ Jμ′′Jμ0 Jμ1 Jμ2 Jμ3 Jμ0f(x; θk) f(x; θk+1) xk F (xk) F (x) xk+1 F (xk+1) xk+2 x∗ = F (x∗) Fμk(x) Fμk+1(x)Improper policy μProper policy μ 1J ′J∗C Ĵ ∈ S Limit Region Valid Start RegionFor p = 1: Jp(1) = Jp(2) = 1 For p = 0: Jp(1) = Jp(5) = 2For p = 1/2 (which is optimal): Jp(1) = 0, Jp(2) = 1, Jp(5) = 2Jμ(1) = b, Jμ′(1) = 0Optimal cost J∗(1) = min{b, 0} a 0 1 2 t b c u′, Cost 0 u, Cost bProb. p Prob. 1− p Stationary policy costs Prob. u Prob. 1− u Cost 1 Cost 1−√u J(1) = min{c, a + J(2)} J(2) = b + J(1)J∗ Jμ Jμ′ Jμ′′Jμ0 Jμ1 Jμ2 Jμ3 Jμ0f(x; θk) f(x; θk+1) xk F (xk) F (x) xk+1 F (xk+1) xk+2 x∗ = F (x∗) Fμk(x) Fμk+1(x)Improper policy μProper policy μ 1J J ′J∗C Ĵ ∈ S Limit Region Valid Start RegionFor p = 1: Jp(1) Jp(2) = 1 For p = 0: Jp(1) = Jp(5) = 2For p = 1/2 (which is optimal): Jp(1) = 0, Jp(2) = 1, Jp(5) = 2Jμ(1) = b, Jμ′(1) = 0Opti al cost J∗(1) = min{b, 0} a 0 1 2 t b c u′, Cost 0 u, Cost bProb. p Prob. 1− p S ationary policy co ts Prob. u Prob. 1 u Cost 1 Cost 1−√u J(1) = min{c, a + J(2)} J(2) = b + J(1)∗ Jμ Jμ′ Jμ′′Jμ0 Jμ1 Jμ2 Jμ3 Jμ0f(x; θk) f(x; θk+1) xk ) F (x) k+1 F (xk+1) xk+2 x∗ = F (x∗) Fμk(x) Fμk+1(x)Improper policy μProper policy μ 1Fixed Point of T VI Optimal Cost over C 1Fixed Point of T VI Optimal Cost over C 1Fixed Point of T VI Optimal Cost over C E(X) 1Fixed Point of T VI: T kJ Optimal Cost over C E(X) 1VI-Related PropertiesIf J∗C is a fixed point of T , then VI converges to J ∗C starting from any J ∈ E(X ) suchthat J∗C ≤ J ≤ Ĵ for s me Ĵ ∈J∗ does not enter the picture! It is possible that VI converges to J∗C and not to J ∗(which may not even be a fixed point of T )When J∗ is a fixed point of T , a useful analytical strategy is to choose C such thatJ∗C = J ∗. Then a VI convergence result is obtained Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Regular Policies in Stochastic Optimal Control and Abstract Dynamic Programming14 / 33 Nonnegative Cost Optimal ControlCost nonnegativity, g ≥ 0, provides a favorable structure (Strauch 1966)J∗ is the smallest fixed point of T within E(X )VI converges to J∗ starting from 0 under some mild compactness conditionsRegularity-based analytical approachDefine a collection C such that J∗C = J∗Define a set S ⊂ E(X ) such that C is S-regularUse the main result in conjunction with the fixed point property of J∗ to show thatJ∗ is the unique fixed point of T within SUse the main result to show that the VI algorithm converges to J∗ starting from Jwithin the set {J ∈ S | J ≥ J∗}Enlarge the set of functions starting from which VI converges to J∗ using acompactness conditionWe use this approach in three major applications Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Regular Policies in Stochastic Optimal Control and Abstract Dynamic Programming16 / 33 Application to Nonnegative Cost Deterministic Optimal ControlClassic problem of regulation to a terminal setSystem: xk+1 = f (xk ,uk ). Cost per stage: g(xk ,uk ) ≥ 0Cost-free and absorbing terminal set of states Xs that we aim to reach or approachasymptotically at minimum costAssumptionsJ∗(x) > 0 for all x /∈ XsControllability: For all x with J∗(x) <∞ and > 0, there exists a policy π thatreaches (in a finite number of steps) Xs starting from x with cost Jπ(x) ≤ J∗(x) +DefineC ={(π, x) | J∗(x) <∞, π reaches Xs starting from x}S ={J ∈ E(X ) | J(x) = 0, ∀ x ∈ Xs}ResultsJ∗ is the unique solution of Bellman’s equation within SVI converges to J∗ starting from any J0 ∈ S with J0 ≥ J∗ (and for any J0 ∈ S undera compactness condition)Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Regular Policies in Stochastic Optimal Control and Abstract Dynamic Programming17 / 33 Application to Nonnegative Cost Stochastic Optimal ControlProblemSystem: xk+1 = f (xk ,uk ,wk )Cost per stage: g(xk ,uk ,wk ) ≥ 0DefineC ={(π, x) | Jπ(x) <∞}; so J∗C = J ∗S ={J ∈ E(X ) | Ex0{J(xk )}→ 0, ∀ (π,x0) ∈ C}ResultsJ∗ is the unique solution of Bellman’s equation within SVI converges to J∗ starting from any J0 ∈ S with J0 ≥ J∗ (and for any J0 ∈ S undera compactness condition)An interesting consequence (Yu and Bertsekas, 2013)If a function J ∈ E(X ) satisfies J∗ ≤ J ≤ cJ∗ for some c ≥ 1, VI converges to J∗starting from J Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Regular Policies in Stochastic Optimal Control and Abstract Dynamic Programming18 / 33 Application to Discounted Nonnegative Cost Stochastic Optimal ControlThe problem with discount factor α < 1Terminology and definitionsXf ={x ∈ X | J∗(x) <∞}π is stable from x0 ∈ Xf if there is bounded subset of Xf s.t. the sequence{xk}generated starting from x0 and using π lies with probability 1 within that subsetC ={(π, x) | x ∈ Xf , π is stable from x}J ∈ E(X ) is bounded on bounded subsets of Xf if for every bounded subsetX̃ ⊂ Xf there is a scalar b such that J(x) ≤ b for all x ∈ X̃S ={J ∈ E(X ) | J is bounded on bounded subsets of Xf}AssumptionC is nonempty, J∗ ∈ S, and for every x ∈ Xf and > 0, there exists a policy π that isstable from x and satisfies Jπ(x) ≤ J∗(x) +ResultsJ∗ is the unique solution of Bellman’s equation within SVI converges to J∗ starting from any J0 ∈ S with J0 ≥ J∗ (and for any J0 ∈ S undera compactness condition)Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Regular Policies in Stochastic Optimal Control and Abstract Dynamic Programming19 / 33 S-Regular Collections Involving Stationary PoliciesDefinitions: For a nonempty set of functions S ⊂ E(X )We say that a stationary policy μ is S-regular if T kμJ → Jμ for all J ∈ SEquivalently, μ is S-regular if the set C ={(μ, x) | x ∈ X}is S-regularLetMS be the set of policies that are S-regular, and defineJS (x) = infμ∈MSJμ(x), ∀ x ∈ XEquivalently, J∗S = J ∗C when C =MS × XVI Convergence ResultGiven a set S ⊂ E(X ), assume thatThere exists at least one S-regular policyJ∗S is a fixed point of TThen T k J → J∗S for every J ∈ E(X ) such that J∗S ≤ J ≤ Ĵ for some Ĵ ∈ S. Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Regular Policies in Stochastic Optimal Control and Abstract Dynamic Programming21 / 33 Policy IterationDefinitions:Standard PI: Tμk+1 Jμk =TJμkOptimistic PI: Tμk Jk =TJk , Jk+1 = T mkμk Jk (evaluation of the current policy isapproximate, using mk iterations of VI)Convergence of standard PI, assuming J∗ ≥ 0The sequence {μ} satisfies Jμk ↓ J∞, where J∞ is a fixed point of T with J∞ ≥ J∗If for a set S ⊂ E(X ), the policies μ generated are S-regular and we haveJμk ∈ S for all k , then Jμk ↓ J∗S and J∗S is a fixed point of TConvergence of optimistic PIThe sequence{Jk} satisfies satisfies Jk ↓ J∞, where J∞ is a fixed point of TIf for a set S ⊂ E(X ), the policies μ generated are S-regular and we haveJμk ∈ S for all k , then Jk ↓ J∗S and J∗S is a fixed point of TWith more analysis and conditions, we can show that J∞ = J∗. This is true for thedeterministic and stochastic nonnegative cost problems. Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Regular Policies in Stochastic Optimal Control and Abstract Dynamic Programming22 / 33 Stochastic Shortest Path ProblemsProblem FormulationFinite state space X = {0, 1, . . . , n} with 0 being a cost-free and absorbing stateTransition probabilities pxy (u)U(x) is finite for all x ∈ XNo discounting (α = 1)Proper policiesμ is proper if the terminal state t is reached w.p.1 under μ (is improper otherwise)Let S = <. Then μ is S-regular if and only if it is proper. (The idea of an S-regularpolicy evolved as a generalization of a proper policy.)Contraction propertiesThe mapping Tμ of a policy μ is a weighted sup-norm contraction iff μ properIf all stationary policies are proper, then T is a sup-norm contraction, and theproblem behaves like a discounted problemSSP is a prime example of a semicontractive model (some policies correspond tocontractions while others do not) Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Regular Policies in Stochastic Optimal Control and Abstract Dynamic Programming24 / 33 Stochastic Shortest Path Problems ResultsCase where improper policies have infinite costIf there exists a proper policy and for every improper μ, Jμ(x) =∞ for some x , then:J∗ is the unique fixed point of T in 0 to g, with δk ↓ 0) converges to an optimalpolicy within the class of proper policies, if started with a proper policyAn improper policy may be (overall) optimal, while J∗ need not be a fixed point of T Bertsekas (M.I.T.)Regular Policies in Stochastic Optimal Control and Abstract Dynamic Programming25 / 33
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تاریخ انتشار 2015